We Are Workers’ Lawyers.

Medical Care Dispute? Our Des Moines Workers’ Comp Lawyers Will Fight For You.

If you are an Iowa worker who is injured on the job, you have a right to prompt, quality medical treatment and to have all of your necessary expenses covered. Problems with your workers’ compensation claim can cause stress and hurt your financial stability, negatively impacting your recovery.

The workers’ compensation lawyers at Hedberg & Boulton, P.C., in Des Moines, have a thorough knowledge of the laws protecting injured workers. We are committed to protecting your rights and putting you in the best possible position until you are able to return to your job.

Deadlines To Remember For A Workers’ Comp Claim In Iowa

It is crucial to secure timely medical care to maximize approval of medical care after a work injury. However, under Iowa workers’ compensation laws, there are specific deadlines you should meet to be compensated. They include:

  • Reporting the injury to your employer, ideally within 90 days of the injury
  • Filing a claim within 2 years from the date of injury
  • Appealing a denied claim within 20 days from the date of denial

Missing deadlines can result in treatment delays, exacerbating injuries and prolonging recovery times. Our skilled workers’ compensation attorney can handle your legal actions effectively.

Finding An Approved Workers’ Compensation Doctor

If you are an injured worker in Iowa, you can seek emergency care whenever and wherever necessary. Once any emergency is past, however, your employer has the right to pick your workers’ comp physician. You could be asked to choose a physician from a list or see a doctor employed by the company.

If you think that your workers’ compensation doctor is not providing adequate care, you can ask your employer to permit you to change providers. If they refuse, you may have to make a formal appeal to the workers’ compensation commissioner’s office.

What To Do If Medical Care Is Denied

In some cases, despite following the proper procedures and deadlines, medical care may be denied by the employer or insurer. When faced with a denial of medical treatment, it is worth seeking the services of an experienced Iowa workers’ compensation attorney. They can challenge the decision and pursue the care you need by:

  • Reviewing the denial letter
  • Appealing the process
  • Gathering the necessary evidence
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Representing you in hearings in court
  • Exploring alternative options

Like any other legal matter, encountering a denial of medical care in a workers’ compensation case can be daunting. Our experienced Iowa workers’ compensation attorney can provide invaluable support and guidance in challenging the decision and pursuing the care you need.

Dedicated Medical Benefits Attorneys

We have decades of experience advocating on behalf of injured workers throughout Iowa when disputes arise with their employers over medical care or return-to-work issues. We have successfully represented injured individuals in a wide variety of disputes, including:

  • Making sure the care you are being offered is reasonable
  • Fighting to make sure that your physicians provide their recommended care
  • Obtaining qualified second opinions from specialists on medical issues
  • Contesting and appealing any unjust claim denial
  • Getting your wage rate set to ensure you receive all the lost wage compensation you deserve
  • Disproving an employer’s claim that you were working as an independent contractor
  • Disproving an employer’s claim that the injury you suffered was not work-related
  • Resolving problems getting the quality medical treatment you deserve, including being denied approval for specific services or told you cannot see the physician of your choice.

You Do Not Have To Fight Your Dispute Alone

Having the right attorney to guide you through the system and negotiate or litigate on your behalf can be absolutely essential to getting the medical benefits you deserve. The lawyers at our firm have been battling insurance companies and handling workers’ compensation claims for more than 75 years collectively.

Schedule A Free Case Assessment With A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

For the guidance and representation you need in any phase of the workers’ comp claim process or to overcome a dispute, contact us today. You can schedule your free appointment by sending an email through our online form or by calling 515-446-9861.

We take all of our cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you will not pay attorney fees unless we obtain a recovery for you.