Obtaining Workers’ Compensation Benefits From Your Cumulative Injuries In Des Moines
A common misunderstanding about workers’ compensation laws is that you must be injured in an accident to recover benefits. Injuries or illnesses that develop over time through repetition of physical tasks or prolonged exposure to harmful substances are also valid workplace injuries. The Iowa cumulative injury lawyers at Hedberg & Boulton, P.C., in Des Moines, have decades of combined experience. They have successfully represented clients who have suffered repetitive stress injuries and emotional injuries.
What Are Cumulative Injuries?
There are generally two types of cumulative injuries: emotional injuries that result from undue stress, and physical injuries that often result from repetitive activities. If you work in a fast-paced, high-stress environment, and you believe you have suffered emotional or physical injuries, you may have a qualifying workers’ compensation claim. We have a unique understanding of these injuries and know what steps to take to secure the maximum workers’ compensation benefits on behalf of our clients.
Knowledgeable Repetitive Stress Injury Lawyer
Symptoms of repetitive stress injuries vary, but generally consist of weakness in the inflicted region, burning pain, stiffness and tingling. These injuries have a drastic impact on the quality of life and affect the injured worker’s ability to perform daily tasks. Our attorneys assist workers who suffer from a wide variety of repetitive stress injuries, including:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
- Medial epicondylitis
- Radial tunnel syndrome
- Tendinitis
- Torn ACLs
- Torn biceps
- Torn MCLs
- Torn rotator cuffs
Workplace injuries are not always physical in nature. Stress or other psychological injuries related to the workplace can prevent an employee from performing his or her job duties. We have helped clients who suffered both physical and psychological injuries increase the amount of benefits they received.
Cumulative Trauma Injuries: Back Injuries
A cumulative trauma injury is an injury that develops over a long period of time or as the result of a repetitive movement that leads to injury. Cumulative back injuries can be caused by:
- Repetitive lifting or bending work
- Excessive force
- Uncomfortable or bad working postures
Unhealthy working conditions and poor work environments, including excessive temperatures, excessive pressure and demands, or a lack of breaks can contribute to a cumulative back injury. If you can prove that your work environment and job was the cause of your back injury, or made an existing back injury even worse, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation.
Dedicated Representation To Accomplish Your Goals
We also help our clients obtain the medical care they need to regain their productivity and get back to work. If they are unable to return to their original job, we fight tirelessly on their behalf to obtain a fair and just settlement, which may include partial or total permanent disability benefits.
Schedule A Free Assessment With A Disability Attorney
Our Iowa lawyers offer a free consultation to review the facts of your case and provide a straightforward assessment. Our experience allows us to accurately provide a potential outcome and recommend a legal strategy that will maximize the benefits you receive. Call 515-446-9861 or use our contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.