We Are Workers’ Lawyers.

FAQ: Facts for Workers’ Legal Rights

For more information on your rights as a worker, visit the topics that apply to your situation. If you are in need of an attorney, please contact us for a free consultation.

Iowa Workers’ Compensation Law

Iowa’s statutes establishing liability of employers for injuries to workers while on the job or an illness due to employment.

Iowa Professional Employees Workers’ Compensation

Iowa’s statutes establishing liability of employers for injuries to workers while on the job or an illness due to employment as it relates to professional employees.

Social Security Disability

SSDI, a tax-funded, federal government insurance program, provides income to people unable to work due to a disability.

Iowa Labor & Employment

Iowa’s laws governing contracts between an employer and employees. Labor unions and collective bargaining allows for negotiations to reach agreements regulating working conditions.

Iowa Unemployment Law

Iowa’s statutes governing unemployment insurance rights, the benefit paid as a result of an unemployed individual’s inability to find gainful employment.

Iowa Public Safety Officer Bill of Rights

Rights of Iowa’s firefighters, police officers and other public safety workers in preparation for, during, and following an administrative investigation complaint interview.

Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Eligibility and rules under Iowa’s Family and Medical Leave Act, a federal regulation providing employees up to 12 work weeks of job-protected leave for qualified family and medical reasons.

Wills, Living Wills, Trusts, Estates & Power of Attorney

Laws governing wills, or written statements specifying the transfer of property after an individual’s death. Power of attorney grants the authority to another to act on one’s behalf regarding legal and business matters.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protect persons with qualifying disability from discrimination by current employers or prospective employers due to their disabilities.

Wage Payment & Work Hour

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) affects most private and public employment. The FLSA requires employers to pay covered non-exempt employees at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay for all hours worked over 40 in a work week.

Employment Discrimination

You have the right not to experience discrimination in your workplace. State and federal statutes exist to protect you against discrimination.

Iowa Personal Injury Law

Personal injury cases include automobile collisions, slip and fall cases, intentional injury cases, injuries from defective products and equipment, and other forms of injuries resulting from the negligence of others.