We Are Workers’ Lawyers.

Have You Been Injured In An Iowa Construction Accident?

When an accident happens at a construction site, the legal issues with liability can get complicated. Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Hedberg & Boulton, P.C., in Des Moines, also handle workers’ compensation claims. If you have been injured in an Iowa construction accident, we can help you get the compensation you need to recover from your accident injuries.

Construction Sites Are Dangerous Places

A construction zone is a dangerous place, both for passersby and the site’s workers. Some of the most common construction accidents include:

  • Falls from unsecured heights
  • Hits from equipment or materials
  • Getting hit by falling items
  • Equipment-related accidents
  • Vehicle-related accidents

Construction sites are filled with dangers that can lead to catastrophic, life-altering injuries or even death. Additionally, those in charge of job sites have a responsibility to keep their sites as safe as possible.

Filing A Personal Injury Claim Vs. A Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you are an injured construction worker who was hurt in a construction accident, Iowa’s workers’ compensation laws protect your right to recover compensation for medical bills and lost wages. Our workers’ compensation lawyers can help you file for workers’ compensation benefits or help you appeal if the insurance company has denied your benefits. In Iowa, you might also have an alternative to filing a personal injury claim, especially if a third party’s actions contributed to your accident. Our personal injury lawyers can help assess the facts of your case and advise you on the best course of action for your circumstances.

Speak With A Construction Accident Attorney For Free

Our personal injury attorneys and workers’ compensation lawyers offer free initial case assessments and consultation appointments. During this time, we will gather information about your accident, answer your questions and tell you more about how we can help you seek compensation for your construction accident. To schedule your free appointment, call our office at 515-446-9861 or send us an email through our website.