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How long can I be on workers’ comp in Iowa, and can I quit my job?

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2023 | Workers' Compensation

Workers’ compensation benefits are a key safety net for employed individuals in Iowa. They don’t have to worry about their job leading to injury or death and leaving them or their families without any kind of income or medical coverage. Workers’ compensation benefits can pay for someone’s treatment and replace a significant portion of lost income until they are able to get back to work.

Most injured employees are eager to recover as quickly as possible from their condition and get back to the jobs that help them support their families. However, especially when an injury is quite severe, it is of the utmost importance for workers to give themselves enough time to heal to reduce the risk of re-injury. Sometimes, workers won’t be able to keep the same job after an injury.

Some workers can get benefits for as long as is necessary

Technically, workers’ compensation benefits can persist for as long as an employee requires to recover from their condition. If the injury is permanent, then the benefits potentially could be as well. However, most Iowa employers will do their best to try to accommodate a worker and get them back on the job as quickly as possible.

The company wants them to remain employed and productive even if they have limitations related to their injury. Workers will typically only continue receiving disability benefits until they achieve maximum medical improvement or can return to work. They can receive health benefits for as long as they continue to have symptoms. It will be the doctor overseeing their care who determines when they can go back to work and how severe their condition actually is.

Can a worker quit after filing a claim?

In some cases, workers who have already begun receiving health benefits through workers’ compensation can continue receiving coverage even if they voluntarily terminate their employment. However, leaving their job will likely disqualify them from receiving future disability benefits and could lead to other issues with the claim.

It is typically better for employees to try to retain their employment and to seek accommodations from their employer so that they can continue working despite the injuries that they suffered. It could be difficult for workers to understand their rights and responsibilities when seeking or receiving workers’ compensation benefits.

Learning more about Iowa workers’ compensation with the assistance of an experienced legal professional can typically help those who have been injured on the job and are in need of health care coverage or wage replacement benefits to get the compensation to which they are rightfully entitled.